When i have to explain what this show is I usually say "it's Buffy's stoner cousin who lives in Canada." Whether this is accurate depends on your own perception, but for my money it's pretty close. Following Todd (Alex House) as he and his friends battle against the eponymous Book of Pure Evil this was a show that was unafraid to have a lot of fun, expand it's own mythology, develop it's characters and even give us two musical episodes in the process. I love musical episodes and I think Todd does it almost as well as Buffy. Almost. Point being: there is a lot to love about this show.
The Practical Effects
An unrelentingly gross show at some points that kept it's monsters in live action as much as humanly possible. It's a shame that in this day and age the fact that a guy actually IS walking around with a monster penis rather than a CGI one is somehow noteworthy. I just read that sentence and I love it.
The Cast
House does well in the lead role while Maggie Castle (Jenny), Bill Turnbull (Curtis) and Melanie Leishman (Hannah) bring the main cast to maximum amazing. But I missed someone, could it be... ah yes, Mr Chris Leavins as Atticus Murphy. Atticus is a comic creation that is pure unfiltered excellence, his line readings are joy. JOY. Honestly, I could go on and on about this cast, everyone gets to bring the funny here and there's even room left over for some genuine acting too. And singing, dear god the singing, they really lucked out with this cast.
There Are Two Musical Episodes
I've already said that I love musical episodes but i need to mention it again because here are some songs you will legitimately hear in those episodes: 'Freak Love', 'Being Horny Makes Me Horny' and 'Metal Dude Wop.' Even if you aren't a fan of musicals (what's wrong with you?) there's still enough humour and character work in these episodes that will keep your attention.
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This happened. This happened and it was beautiful. |
It Just Gets Better
There are some shows that simply lose steam. It's not always the fault of the writers or show runners, they just lose it, Todd though? Todd never had the chance to lose it. I'd say we should be sad about never getting a third season, but what we have right now is a quality cult classic and I'm happy about it.
It's Hilarious
There is not a single thing this show hasn't mined for comedic gold. There is wolf rape in this show, people. It has a song and everything.
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"Who's an awesome guidance counselor?" |
"If you don't control German herpes, German herpes will control you."
"We're so wasted."
"Do you wanna make a bay-bay?"
"Todd, don't let go of Mr Murphy's penis!"
"As your guidance counselor - which is what i am."
"I'm Scooter and I'm from the wrong side of the tracks."
"Shit rooster"
"Now you're just a bunch of pussies with no balls"
I could go on but i think you see my point. This show will give you a quote for any occasion and I feel you should take the opportunity to experience such quotable bliss for yourself.
I implore to check out this wonderful little show. An animated movie is also coming in the future that will tie up loose plot threads from the show.
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