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Saturday, September 27, 2014

Celluloid Geek Works out Her TV Show Feelings

I have a lot of DVDs on my 'To Watch' pile, some are shows, most are movies. I was flying through them only a week ago but then i stopped. I'm unsure why, I'd certainly finished The Buffyverse by then so that wasn't distracting me, Breaking Bad season 2 was coming a long at a moderate pace and the UK Office wasn't taking much of my time, it's not like it's a big commitment to watch that show. So why the sudden complacency? I have a good idea why: picking something to watch is tough. You don't want to pick the wrong thing because then you might have to miss/postpone the right one. That sucks. Now, i tend to pride myself on good taste (I suppose everyone does, if you thought you had bad taste you'd probably make different decisions) but sometimes I just can't get my head out of my ass to see what works best at this exact moment. As a result of this Chuck season 3 has been languishing on my shelf for months, I know i want to watch it. I enjoy Chuck immensely. But it's tough when my list (yeah, i have a list too) and my 'To Watch' pile don't always see eye to eye. Let's talk about my 'list' shall we?

Battlestar Galactica (Re-imagined)
I'm a fan of sci fi, one need only take a cursory look at my movie/tv collection to see that. I'm prepared to watch this show, I watched the miniseries (which definitely got my attention) and after Fringe I'm looking for the next sci-fi show that will make me sit up and say "fuck yes." I see it whenever I'm out prowling for movies, i wander through the TV show aisle and the whole series is right there just begging me to buy it. Yet I resist. Why? Because my 'To Watch' pile is still too large. Plus Christmas sales might mean that the collection could go down in price, what can I say? I'm cheap.

Game Of Thrones
Shut up. I know, i know i need to watch GOT both as a television fan and a fantasy fan. I know this. But I also know that very often the shows everyone else raves about do not hook me in the way they do others, case in point: Breaking Bad's first season left me underwhelmed and unimpressed. This was the show that everyone was raving about? I gave the second season a try because I trust the taste of the person who recommended it, I'm certainly happy I stuck with it but I'd rather not have a repeat experience with GOT, if it grows on me fine, cool, but if it doesn't then thats about ten hours gone you know? TIME. The first three seasons are sitting right there. I'm looking at them right now. I will watch it at some point though, if only so i can make a joke about Cersei Lannister being the fucked up alternate universe version of Sarah Connor. I feel like there is definitely fanfiction for that.

Orange is The New Black
This is something I'm really just taking a leap of faith on. I don't know if i'll enjoy it at all, I tried to watch the first episode (it was fine) but I was in the middle of a TV show run through at the time and I found it hard to enter a new universe. So I don't have any opinion on the show itself yet. I know that there are individual elements I'll enjoy (for example I like Natasha Lyonne well enough), but I don't know if i'll ever get around to this show.

The Americans
Similar to OITNB I'll have to take a leap of faith on this one too. It played in Australia so I could have watched it week to week, but it didn't pique my interest enough for me to tune in. But when i found out how lauded it was I felt compelled to check out the show I didn't even take time to dismiss, but rather just completely went through my day without once giving a shit that it existed. So I hope to redeem myself.

Chuck Season 3
This is the only season I have listed, the rest are complete shows. Why make a special note for this? Well I've not seen a single scrap of footage from season 3 of Chuck. It will be an entirely new experience, not even with the Buffyverse did I have this luck, I did have that luck with Fringe though, for which i am eternally grateful because it seriously made everything so rewarding. Anyway: Chuck was a show I simply fell for, season 1 could be a bit rough and a little broad in it's humour but season 2 was a complete and utter pleasure to watch. I don't expect season 3 to top it, but I do expect to like the season. I'll watch this, I swear. It's just a matter of when.

Cowboy Bebop
This is the only anime currently on my list, which is unusual considering how many people have recommended me Neon Genesis Evangelion. I actually have watched a few episodes already but I was sick that day and I knew that i couldn't watch It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia the whole time so I watched some of this. I actually liked it a lot so this is very likely to be completed. To be honest I watched those episodes for something to do and the show wasn't on my list, I put it there afterwards to make sure i finished it.

Twin Peaks
God I have so much to say about season 1 of Twin Peaks. Most of them go like this: "what. what. This music is really pretty. what. BAHAHA. what. what. what. This show is insane. Dale Cooper is the greatest man ever. what." So I pretty much loved season 1 of Twin Peaks. But I know that season 2 is bad. As in, bad. I try to be a completist in just about everything, but when a show has a bad season, especially if it's a bad final one, I always wonder if it's worth it. I hate it when a show loses its way. It's why I'll never watched Sliders and it's why Twin Peaks is giving me such greif.

The Comeback
With The Comeback making a comeback this year (or next? i haven't been following the news on it) it's jolted my memory of the one season wonder. Similar to Battlestar I'm pretty confident I'll enjoy this show, but I seem physically incapable of buying it every time I come into contact with it. Stupid brain trying to be responsible with money.

The X-Files
Unlike a good majority of shows i'm interested in this is a big commitment. Nine seasons, two movies and probably a lot of internet scouring to see if the mythos makes any kind of sense. Yeah i may have only seen three or four episodes of this but i'm aware of Chris Carter's 'as you go' approach. I have to ask myself if I should really watch it all. But I want to make references to the show that no-one else gets and then feel all superior! Yeah I may have some issues to work through. This is the only show on the list, except perhaps for Twin Peaks, that I'm genuinely unsure about ever watching in it's entirety.

I don't know much about this show except that it's meant to be an underrated gem.

I never got to complete Dollhouse when it first ran on television so I'd love to get it done, plus once i own this I will own all of Joss Whedon's shows, which I guess could be a nice topic of conversation if that ever came up. Ever. I'll wait.

Battlestar, Firefly, Fringe. What do these three shows have in common? They're acclaimed sci fi that try to emphasize realism in a world unfamiliar to our own. Regardless of my love for Firefly and Fringe (as you know I've yet to watch the Battlestar series) I do enjoy a slice of pure sci fi entertainment that gives me some bloody aliens. Aliens made by the Henson company? Well that's just icing on an already delicious cake. I don't know if Farscape is as beloved or acclaimed as any of the shows i mentioned above but a show doesn't need to be perfect in order for me to love it. The Buffyverse sure wasn't perfect and I loved the hell out of that. I hope to pick up this one and display it proudly one day.

Doctor Who (2005 - Present)
I know that classic Who is just as worthwhile to get into, but New Who (some say NuWho, it probably isn't important how one says it) simply piques my interest more. I've seen various bits of all the Doctors (minus Capaldi) and for the most part I like them all, but I love Christopher Eccleston. But then he's series one, and I've seen more of that so it could just be a familiarity. Point is: I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy this series, maybe not as much as certain other sci-fis on this list (though the more I think about Who and read about it it sounds more akin to fantasy than anything) but i'm sure i'll feel the same level of emotional investment in Who that I will/do in most other shows I manage to get wrapped up in.

That's everything I'm trying to watch. for the most part I'm able to keep on top of shows I follow, Orphan Black and Hannibal (you could cut the UST in that show with a knife and Hannibal totally did) being an example of that, but these ones sit there begging me to view them. Not to mention the fact that I'm seriously considering adding The Wire to my list. Oh god my life is going to become just endless screens.

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