Before i begin would you do me a favor and read the posts before this as well? like under it? cos i posted this on the same day as that one and i'm not sure of anyone saw it. ok thanks!
There are some sequels that people just love, like 'The Godfather part 2" or... Well it's your turn you think of one. Oh! i have it! The Star Wars sequels! There are the so bad its good sequels like "Grease 2" (i don't think it was all that bad but i can see why some people may dislike it it) or "Shock Treatment" (the sequel-or equal-to Rocky horror). Rocky 2 to... what 50? weren't great (IMO) but i'll leave those off because they're true to the original (again IMO) and besides i kinda like Sylvester Stallone.
Some sequels are just bad, like...
- Pretty much any American Pie sequel - i didn't like the first one, but i could at least sit through it
- The Blues Brothers 2000 - why?! if there is no John Belushi there is nothing! NOTHING! (No offense Mr Ackroyd)
- The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull - i wanted to like it. i swear, i love the originals and Harrison Ford, it wasn't his fault the movie sucked, it just... there are some things you just can't save.
- Batman and Robin - George Clooney? He lacks the edginess of... Who was a good batman before Christian Bale? Well, yeah Michael Keaton but you get the point i'm trying to make. Well, lets just say that Clooney isn't the worst thing about the movie, its Mr Freeze. Poor, Poor Arnie, it's a wonder he came back after this abomination.
- Caddyshack 2 - once again i wanted to like it, but theres only so much Chevy Chase i can take. Its kinda hard to enjoy when you've seen the first one, it's like if they made a sequel to Citizen Kane or something. You get that analogy right?
- Cody banks 2 - Well.... It's a Disney spy movie SEQUEL, with kids with about as many facial expressions as the pieces of wood that taught them all to act. Frankie Muniz is at least somewhat likeable in it, or maybe i'm just remembering Malcolm in the middle. Plus the girl in it was kind of... Boring. Not that the first movie was any better though.
- Star Wars: Attack of the clones - A little part of me wanted to leave it off the list because of my own nostalgic feeling about it, it came out when i was very young and my older brother watched all the Star Wars movies over and over again, naturally I've been brought up to love them. But this was the worst, i liked Phantom Menace because i thought Darth Maul was awesome, but 'Clones' was drawn out and boring. Revenge of the sith was great though, it saved my very critical mind from not buying the prequel boxset. i bought it. i still watch them, because they're all crucial to Star wars universe.
- Speed 2 - when Speed came out it was more awesome because no-one expected it to be awesome, but when number 2 came out it sucked because A- no Keanu Reeves B- it's a friggin boat and C- it's called Speed 2: Cruise Control. which is kinda lame.
Now for what prompted this post- the sequel to the 2004 comedy Mean Girls. Great movie, Tina fey is an amazing writer, the leads were convincing and above all it was realistic enough to relate to and surreal enough to keep us laughing. Fey should have won a bloody Oscar! I try not to judge movies until I've seen them but lets review (preview? whatever):

Yeah, i want to stab someone too.
I love Mean girls, I've watched it like a million times, we even watch it at school, personally i think that we should watch Heathers as well as Mean Girls, but thats just because i love them both. I know that every teenage girl has been guilty of quoting one of those movies, the thing about a good movie is it has to be memorable- i put this to you: search up the trailer for Mean Girls 2 and see if you can remember a single line from it.
"Do not have sex- or you will get pregnant and DIE" Health Teacher, Mean Girls
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