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Friday, January 28, 2011

Originality and all that other gobbligook

Who says that cinema has lost it's originality? As we have seen by this years Oscar nominations alone there are still some very original and imaginative people out there, so why are people saying that Hollywood has lost it's edge? Darren Aronofsky (who directed Black Swan and whom i really hope wins best director) showed us just how original a mainstream movie can be. i'm pretty sure that the whole 'void of originality' label can be stuck on many things nowadays like the recently released film No Strings Attached (although the plot isn't really original i'd just like to say that is still an okay movie).

Another example of originality is perhaps Avatar, okay so the plot was pretty much the same as Pocahontas or however the hell you spell it but the effects were very original and so was the execution. Original plots are quite hard to find in any recently released movie but the execution of the plots could be what really counts right now.

To say that Hollywood has lost it's edge is pretty presumptuous, it's like how people in the 50s thought that everything worth inventing has been invented, of course we now know that this was not the case. So lets have a little faith, we all know that we may have to suffer through a lot of crap before we get to the good stuff but that's life.

"I just want to be perfect" Nina (Natalie Portman) Black Swan

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