I don't believe there has ever been a show quite like this, nor do i believe there will be again. Here is a series that dragged itself up by it's bootstraps and morphed itself into art when it had every opportunity to coast on it's ridiculous title, attractive cast and cheesy effects. but no, it felt the need to break it's shackles and transform into a breathless comedy, an epic romance, a layered drama and a supernatural actioner. Often in the same episode. What other show could give us episodes like the ones I'm going to talk about?
10. Doppelgangland (Season 3, Episode 16)

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9. Passion (Season 2, Episode 17)

8. After Life (Season 6, Episode 3)
This episode made me feel hollow, it made me want to burst into tears,, it made me feel so lost and alone. It made me feel like Buffy. I had felt strong emotions for this show previously, but until After Life I don't think my heart ever felt as though it were lodged in my throat for 40 minutes. I just felt so awful. It's almost flabbergasting that Jane Espenson wrote this episode. She of Band Candy, Earshot, Pangs, Intervention, Storyteller and countless other highly quotable and hilarious episodes. This woman had managed to completely shake me to my core. Everything in this episode honest to god hurts. And I just love it.
7. The Wish (Season 3, Episode 9)
Whenever I talk about Buffy I will often explicitly point out that the show simply shouldn't work. It's a teen show based on a so-so movie after all. But if i were to narrow my opinion down to a few specific episodes as examples of the shows power, some of which i will mention later, The Wish would be one. It works in spite of the odds stacked against it. We are essentially dropped into an alternate universe where everything is bleak and depressing and every member of the Scoobies, minus Giles and Oz, die and Buffy is a hell of a lot more broody and sad. As much as I love Doppelgangland, and you know I do, I think it would've been very fascinating to have seen the two Buffy's interact instead. But that probably would have been a much darker episode. The Wish is a beautifully written, shot and directed installment - and I LOVE The Master. I just love him to bits. This episode could have come off hokey and filler-ish but instead we got this. And haha, Anya is so young and different in her first appearance, it's fairly obvious she wasn't planned to be as prominent as she would later become.
6. Selfless (Season 7, Episode 5)

"Yes, i have a new boyfriend, we just had lots and lots of sex." Anya Jenkins FTW.
5. The Zeppo (Season 3, Episode 13)
I'm a person who always appreciates a Marx brothers reference, so this title already had my attention. A Xander-centric episode intrigued me from the get go and The Zeppo is brimming with meta humour, character development and a wry self awareness that instantly drew me in. Xander has his own side adventure while Buffy and Co fight another world ending demon, no one will ever know about his insane night of dead rising, Faith sex and life saving. It's a neat side story turned a A-plot and I don't know why it doesn't show up on more 'best of' lists.
"Hey, they're not baking a cake!" The cake is a lie, Xander.
4. Hush (Season 4, Episode 10)
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The most Gif-able episode ever |
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Yes, the most Gif-able |
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Episode |
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Ever |
3. Who Are You? (Season 4, Episode 16)
Wow, how did a weak season manage to nab two spots in the top 5? Who Are You concerns Buffy and Faith's body swap and while it would be reasonable to expect body swap hijinks we also get a pretty intense character study on the dark slayer. Albeit with the dark slayer being portrayed by Sarah Michelle Gellar - can i just say that she is utterly awesome as Faith? Seriously she gets Dushku's mannerisms down pat. From Faith's sense of humour, to her underlying turmoil and self loathing this episode is my favourite of that character's appearances on this show - i can't wait to continue her redemption arc on Angel when i finally see that series. EDIT: I fucking loved how Angel handled this storyline. And i forgot to mention that Tara and Willow are adorable in this episode, so there, I mentioned it (I miss Tara.)
"You can't do that! It's wrong." - Faith mocking Buffy.
2. The Body (Season 5, Episode 16)
If this were a list of 'best' episodes this would make number one without a second thought given but it's not and i am the law. The emotions on display in this episode are palpable, as someone has experienced the death of a loved one i can tell you that it's painfully accurate to the degree that I was left speechless by it. I loved the character details, i loved how Buffy, practically a superhero who saved lives many times over, simply had nothing to seek revenge on, she couldn't focus her attention on big bad Glory, couldn't hunt down the killer - she had to call 911 and desperately recall CPR training. It was so real and yet so abnormal. This wasn't meant to happen, this was Buffy. But she can't do a thing. Good god, the acting in this episode is out of this world phenomenal, look at Sarah Michelle Gellar in this, just fantastic in every moment. It's a beautifully effective piece of television, made all the more powerful by the complete lack of music. There is no reprieve here, nothing to distract you - you have to sit and watch as people deal with the loss of someone they loved dearly, who maybe you loved dearly too (because Joyce was awesome.) Anya's speech by the way? Perfect, heartbreaking and true. Anya attempting to deal with and understand human emotions and social cues was a source of humour for most of her run on the show, it was almost like a mystical version of aspergers. So it's interesting to me that a comic relief character would have the most deeply emotional reaction, but in retrospect it shouldn't be surprising.
This episode is not one that you show to someone whom you want to get into the show properly, but it is the one you show those who say the show is just Dawson's Creek with monsters.
1. Once More, With Feeling (Season 6, Episode 7)
I just love this episode. Any show that has a musical episode automatically has my interest piqued but it's legitimately difficult for me to think of any show that has done a better one than Buffy. The songs not only reveal the depths of the characters feelings but also their motivations, it causes them to say things they never would have said if they were in a regular episode of the show. The cast all sing well, with Anthony Head, Amber Benson and Emma Caulfield standing out, the songs are all cleverly written with each managing to match perfectly with the character(s) that sing them and fit into various genres. It's an outright fantastic episode that bursts with creativity and passion, while I would call The Body the better episode I'd called Once More With Feeling the most giddy and infectious episode on this list, there's certainly an underlying sadness to it - it is after all part of the darkest season - but that does nothing to quash the toe tapping numbers. Side note: Xander being the one to summon Sweet? That was a lazy writing move Joss, I forgive you because i love this episode, but it's not in character for Xander (season 6 Xander anyway) to do that.
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"I've got a theory, some kid is dreaming, and we're all stuck inside his wacky Broadway nightmare" |
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This episode needs all the memes |
Honorable mentions -
Normal Again - this narrowly avoided the top ten. Some consider it controversial (i think it's only controversial if you think it states irrefutably that the show is inside Buffy's head, a theory i don't subscribe to). It's got people who hate it and people who love it, I won't say it's a perfect episode (and it messed with continuity a bit because Joyce finding about Buffy's slayerhood should have had a reference to her time spent in a mental hospital) but I do consider it an episode that further proves that Sarah Michelle Gellar was fantastic in this show.
Tabula Rasa - the characters losing their memories? Well how can that NOT be entertaining?
Storyteller - Season 7 might be the weakest season, but that doesn't keep me from enjoying parts of it and Storyteller is one I love. I love it's goofy sense of humour, i love how Andrew embellishes, I love it's affectionate spoofing of Buffy's long winded speeches and that ending? It's mood whiplash in the best way. Who knew Tom Lenk was so good? I was out of the loop on that.
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"We are as gods" |
Fool For Love - Spike isn't actually my favourite character, a lot of people would pick him as theirs but personally he'd only be about 5th/6th for me. But this is a damn fine episode. A near masterpiece in a season that was not lacking for brilliant episodes. These flashbacks give so much depth to Spike and I imagine that pairing it with Lies My Parents Told Me would be an interesting experience.
Chosen - yes, Willow, it was nifty. I don't care if the apex of your development had a weird glowy effect, I will forever love how nervous little Willow became... I have a lot of Willow feelings. Seriously, i love how thematically and emotionally appropriate this final episode is. And Robin and Faith! If Faith had gotten that spin off would Robin have been there? No, i don't want to know, because then I'd be more bitter about Faith not having a spin off. And that Cleveland line! Is this not one of the subtlest/best callbacks? The Wish.... good times.
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I wasn't sure how to fit this into the list because 'Him' isn't a top tier episode. But it does have a great season 2 vibe and I LOVE THAT SHE KEPT THE BAZOOKA |
I Only Have Eyes For You - i don't recall being particularly fond of this episode when i first saw it. Did i like it? Yes, I did. But i didn't love it. It was only when i rewatched it that I truly fell for it - what a fantastic episode. If it weren't for how much of an arc episode this is I would give it to a newbie to watch, beautiful work by longtime Buffy writer Marti Noxon.
I need to talk about this - one of my biggest love/hate things in Buffy was Dark Willow. As an idea, I love it, it had been building for a long time and I'm impressed with the hints we had. Then it became a drug metaphor and Tara (the nicest character in the entire Buffyverse by the way, extra tragedy points) was killed off just to fuel Willow as the season's big bad. Now, even though i really liked Tara, it's the drug metaphor and the handling of Dark Willow that bugs me. Remove that subtext people! It's not even subtext, just text. All that said though, i actually like season 6 more than most people (Buffy's depression arc was fairly well done) and Xander talking down Willow? That was actually emotional to watch. I feel like Nicolas Brendan doesn't get enough kudos for his acting, so there, kudos.
Having just finished the series, i have to say i've enjoyed the ride immensely. This show never ceased to surprise me, make me laugh, make me cry and it never really lost it's roots. right up until the end we had wisecracks combined with charmingly sub par special effects and loveable characters. I loved this series that i so casually dismissed as supernatural teen fodder only to find an underlying streak of intellect and warmth. I think season 7 was the weakest season, or at least the one needed the most changes in writing, at times it could feel like it was killing time, it was still fun with a lot of great ideas, but it lacked something that other seasons simply didn't. But i enjoyed Chosen a lot, just like the show itself it was humorous, dramatic and at times a little messy. Also Anya's death kind of hurt my chest, i knew it was coming but holy shit I could not prepare myself. People complain about how it was handled but I was fine with it. I went through emotions, damn it. this whole series made me feel emotions. I actually also rank Chosen above The Gift, in terms of emotional pay off season 7's finale hit me more. Graduation Day is still my favorite though.
It's been a great ride, I recommend it.
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