Growing up I was very familiar with Superman, my definition of hero was Superman and Luke Skywalker and their images are imprinted in my brain to this day. But unlike Star Wars i do not feel nostalgic for Christopher Reeve's films because he is not the Superman i grew up with. Max Fleischer's cartoons (which we had on VHS) is still the Superman I see when i picture him. Ripping through a wall, leaping over a tall building in a single bound, to me that its Superman. But I saw Chris Reeve in Superman III when i was about eight, for the most part i actually enjoyed it - and kept wondering where i had seen Lana Lang before, later finding out she was on Smallville, a show i 've never been into but respect. I then saw Superman IV. I don't remember much except that Jon Cryer was in it.
I didn't see the first two films for a number of years (not of my own choice i wanted to seek them out but kept putting it off) but boy when i did see them knew what the fuss was about. Reeve was amazing, I loved him and every facet of his performance, I loved Margot Kidder as Lois and I'll always love Zod - even if he is super evil. When Superman Returns was released i was 11 years old (so i hadn't seen Superman or Superman II yet) and i wanted to see the movie, but regrettably couldn't. I accepted it and moved on, later finding out that apparently the film was awful. So i avoided it like the plague.
But one night i came across it on television, I figured nothing could be as bad as Catwoman (and nothing is) so i watched it.
I love Superman Returns. If only i had seen it sooner.
Superman having a son initially rubbed me the wrong way, I liked the dimension he gave Superman, Jason himself didn't annoy me and it gave way to some genuinely moving scenes. But it felt a bit heavy handed, I admire Singer's audacity and intentions, but I tend to go back and forward on this one. Kate Bosworth was far too young for Lois and looked nothing like Margot Kidder, but she endeared to me, the way she stood up on that plane absolutely entranced by Superman's return - she sold it. The logic of Superman leaving earth is questionable. I can't imagine him doing that but it's never specified how long after Superman II this film takes place, sure it says five years, but that's five years since he left - things could have changed dramatically.
Brandon Routh's performance is fantastic and is absolutely the heart of the movie. He's not Christopher Reeve, - who is? - but he makes the character his own and doesn't look silly in the suit. He looked confident and right in it. His Clark might just be the highlight though. Clark isn't really featured as much as his alter-ego, but Routh's physical embodiment is so sweet, precise and funny that i actually enjoy those scenes more than any others. Routh's Clark is just as funny as Reeve's, but in different ways. His comedy is in a look, a reaction, the way he turns around eating a burrito. It's subtle and Routh nails it.
Kevin Spacey's Lex is far more menacing that Gene Hackman's, a move i'm thankful for since as much as i love Hackman i thought his Lex could be way too goofy. Spacey is clearly having a great time in this role, spouting off the meme-making "WRONG!!!"and using his deadpan delivery to brilliant use, particularly when speaking to Kitty...
Which brings me to Parker Posey. Now, I love Parker Posey. I'll watch her in anything and if you haven't seen any of the Christopher Guest doco-comedies you owe it to yourself to see them, not just for her, but because they're hilarious. Anyway: Kitty is pretty much Miss Teschmacher under a different name but that's not a criticism - i liked Miss Teschmacher. Kitty is a lot snarkier than Lex's previous companion though and Posey revels in it. Posey also acts very well even when she's not being funny. When Kitty loses control of her car (to distract Superman while Lex steals something) and she's just about to crash into about 10 people the car just floats - Superman has saved her. That look Posey has as she is saved is difficult to describe, it's as though, shock, awe and fear had been rolled into one. It's a perfectly played scene, both in Posey's performance, the musical cues and the way Singer trains his camera upon her reaction.
Now for Kate Bosworth. I'm not going to rip into her, as i've mentioned before I actually liked her. She was just miscast. But she does display some flashes of brilliance, her delivery of 'how could you leave us like that' brims with an anger and hurt that is truly believable and her scenes with Jason also feel very authentic. But Bosworth was in her early 20s, too young to be a pulitzer prize winning journalist with a four year old son. I would have cast someone in the 30 - 35 region, maybe older. The Lois in this film is meant to be a more mature and weary version of the one we had previously met in Superman II. Bosworth is a nice a actress but she lacks conviction and she certainly doesn't come off as the disillusioned Lois that she probably should be. It's a problem I have with her portrayal and casting, but I can't honestly say i dislike her or her performance as a whole.
James Marsden also turns in a good performance as Richard, Lois' fiance'. I really enjoyed what Singer and Co. did with Richard, they could have easily made him a jerk so that Superman could jump in and push him aside, but they didn't do that. Richard is a great guy and it shows in just about every scene he's in. Had there been a sequel it would have been interesting o see where this character went.
John Ottoman's music desreves huge praise as well, his version of the Superman theme is fantastic and the 'how could you leave us' music is absolutely gorgeous. I also love that the music doesn't distract me, sometimes it's too loud or bombastic without any real sense of meaning. In this film every note feels like it's earned it's place.
Visually the film is stunning (if a little muddy, which i hope is corrected in future releases) and the casting, except Bosworth, was spot on. The first act needs some fine-tuning and the return to Krypton scene should have stayed in the film, but these are minor when considering the big picture.
Bryan Singer jumped ship on the X-Men franchise to direct this film and although I wish he had stayed on for X-Men 3 (he has returned for Days Of Future Past though) I'm glad he was able to give us this film. It brims with a pure love of Superman, every frame feels like a Superman movie and although the Donner reverence turns some people off it just sparks warm feelings in me. Superman Returns isn't a film that is ripping off the originals and i wouldn't call it a stone cold sequel to Superman II either, i'd say it's closer to being a continuation of the spirit of those films.
This is the Superman movie I'd always wanted but never thought i'd get. It's a movie made with passion and genuine love by a director who actually has something to say about the characters. After watching this film I actually felt bad for Bryan Singer and his entire cast and crew who had worked so hard to make this and then had it dragged through the mud by a lot of people. I particularly feel for Brandon Routh who was exceptional as Superman/Clark, i never see him in big roles anymore, as much as it's a shame he wont be Superman again i just wish he could find another role where he can play off that great humour of his.
This film is a solid 8 in my book, hell, an 8.5. It's a stunning film with wit, warmth, pathos and wonder. It's flawed, but it is definitely no failure.
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