I'll tell you what i think
- The effects aren't that great. However, considering the era they're very innovative.
-i never did care for the acting (maybe Charlton Heston just doesn't appeal to me)
-the masks are great even by today's standards and look far more realistic than the supposedly superior CGI
- the technicolor looks painted on sometimes. Which is something i can't stand in any movie.
- my friend can't see things from another perspective.
I saw this a while ago (although mycrash course in it was received from a parody by The Simpsons), i didn't even like it, i was a 10 year old who thought that movies began and ended with Star Wars (1977). But now i think differently: a film doesn't have to be a work of art to leave an impression. It just has to stand out. Whether it be for the good or bad things about it.
This movie stands out because the twist was amazingly unexpected at the time (nowadays everyone knows it but what do you expect?) The masks were brilliant, it holds one of the most famous lines in film history ('get your paws of me you damn dirty ape!') and one of the sequels contains Sal Mineo's final performance. Although that part's probably only important to a select number of people (which is unfortunate because he was a great actor).
I think to her it's just old. She isn't used to the style of acting Charlton Heston adopts but most of all she isn't used to the overall method of filming. It was a different world then, the 60s were trapped between the conservative 'innocent' fifties ideals and the realism of the 60s/70s don't BS us era. They tried to keep the more questionable nature of just about any film under wraps but still keep it realistic. That was where i think she didn't like it. She wasn't sure what it wanted to portray, I don't blame my friend for hating this milestone in film making, in fact i feel sorry that she consistently looks for things in old films to take shots at, never looking for the positives.
I call these people idiots. I am hoping to amend her ways and introduce her to a film she knows nothing about just to see her reaction: Raging Bull (1980). I have a feeling that she'll be able to appreciate it much more for it's beautiful cinematography, either that or she'll scoff the minute she see's the black and white. After all, this is the same person who thought Yogi Bear (2011) was clever.
"oh my god i was wrong it was earth all along!" Troy Mcclure (Phil Hartman) The Simpsons.
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