
Help me! i'm languishing in all this supposed knowledge!

Thursday, July 7, 2011


As i sit here, supposedly hard at work i begin to wonder about a few things: When i start on that job at Mcdonalds will i have time to go shopping? Will i have time for this blog? Hopefully. But Then i gazed at my television set and i thought: who are the most memorable characters in TV history. Who do you remember most of all? I remember Fred Flintstone yelling 'Yabadabadoo!' and Homer Simpson with his trademark 'Doh!'

I have to wonder what a list such as this would have present, so i ask you, the reader, this: what are some TV characters that you think are most memorable or that you remember most?

I also saw the movie Date Night (2010) which was pretty cool, Steve Carell and Tina Fey go well together. Anyway i really want to see what you have to say on the above question!

Ok thanks. 


  1. I'll always think of Fonzie in his t-shirt and leather jacket.
    Also President Bartlett in The West Wing. Why can't real politicians be like that?

  2. M' names Hank Hill and I sell propane and propane accessories

    Flea, Adam
