Dr Frederick Frankenstein (it's pronounced 'Fronkensteen'), is busy living down the heinous experiments of his grandfather Victor Frankenstein. Who specialized in bringing dead people back to life. One day Frederick discovers he has inherited the castle of his crazy grandfather. At first Fred thinks that Victors experiments were "doody", but after discovering a book written by Victor, he decides it just might work. And it does.
This movie was an extremly funny experience, in my humble opinion it is better than Blazing Saddles, which is considered Mel Brooks' greatest achievement. Gene Wilder and Marty Feldman keep the ball rolling throughout with Garr, Leachman, Boyle, Mars and Kahn following close behind. With such a large amount of memorable characters it would hard to say which was my favourite. But i think i may have to say Igor (Eyegor), played by Marty Feldman. he was irreverently funny throughout.
The films knowing parody of the universal horrors of the 30s (many of which starred Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi) is perfectly pulled off at every point. The 'Puttin on the Ritz' number is perfect, it's entire execution (coupled with the Black and White) further parodies the insane amounts of horrors and musicals that came out in the 30s. It was both smart and hilarious.
The lines. Oh wow the lines. I won't spoil them for you but i can guarantee that you will laugh at almost everything that Marty Feldman says or does. Teri Garr is also quite funny, along with Kahn's first scene at the train station with Wilder, which is perfectly timed by both actors. I can keep going and say how much else there is about this movie that makes it so good but that would be spoiling it for you. Just know that it is a really great movie and one of the funniest movies of all time. In my opinion.
"Oh where are you going?... Oh you men you're all alike! seven or eight quick ones and then you're out with the boys to boast and brag. You better keep your mouth shut!... Oh i think i love him" Elizabeth (Madeline Kahn), Young Frankenstein
One of the funniest movies ever and the black + white was perfect for the film.