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Saturday, March 19, 2011

My top 5 uses of Judy Garland songs in other shows/movies

After watching the Judy Garland biopic i have been inspired to write down my top 5 uses of her songs in other TV shows and movies. i think her songs were great especially the ones in her movies so that's why i'm writing this, because i like her music and movies.

5. Australia. (2008)
This movie has been treated unfairly and is highly underrated, i personally loved it and thought that while it wasn't a masterpiece it was certainly worth the watch. The film referenced The Wizard of Oz a lot and the use of Somewhere over the rainbow was practically mandatory. Nicole Kidman sings it to Nulla a young half cast boy who has just lost his mother. It was a nice scene and although Kidman's voice isn't the best ever it certainly suited the moment. The other times the song was used in the movie was when Nulla  plays it on the harmonica and when he see's the Wizard Of Oz at a theatre and looks wondrously at it. The movie isn't for everyone but it seems to prove that the song is. I couldn't find the scene from Australia in good quality so i got the original version from the Wizard of Oz instead.

4. House (2004-?)
This is the one that inspired the list. I admit i never really watched the show because it usually clashed with other shows that i liked more, however i took the time to watch Hugh Laurie's rendition of 'Get Happy' from Summer Stock (1950). it was twisted, looked awesome and Hugh Laurie can sing! He must play Henry Higgins in the remake of My Fair Lady. I loved it, but how could i not? It has to be one of the catchiest songs ever. Has to be. Trivia! Hugh Laurie played Vincent Minnelli in th Judy Garland Biopic i reviewed.

3.  Home Alone (1990)
'Have yourself a merry little Christmas' was used on the soundtrack only it was sung by Mel Torme and not Judy Garland.  i am not going to lie to you... i heard this version first. It came out 6 years before i was born and we happened to have it lying around the house so my brother and i watched it. Ever since then i have had a vivid memory of the song in my head and but it was never replaced by the Judy Garland version (damn you nostalgia!!!) Couldn't get the Home Alone version so i got the original from Meet Me In St Louis. Sorry the video is so long i couldn't find a shorter one.

2.  Glee (2009 - ?)
I like Glee, in fact i'd go so far as to say that i'm a gleek. I think it's over hyped and some episodes are better than others but overall i love the show. The duet between Rachel (Lea Michele) and Kurt (Chris Colfer) was no short of amazing and really cool. I heard the song once or twice before i heard it on Glee but the show really reminded me why it was cool. The song was: Get Happy/ Happy Days Are Here Again, which was sung by Judy Garland and Barbra Streisand on the Judy Garland show back in the sixties. I have to ask though: what it is it with me and 'Get happy'?!

1. The Simpsons. (1989 - ?)
In a The Treehouse of Horror X Homer and Bart are on a spaceship headed for the sun, Rosie O'Donnell starts to break into song with everyone else (except Homer and Bart). Bart tells Homer: 'don't worry dad, we'll be dead in five minutes'. Homer answers: 'not fast enough!' and presses eject. The song in question was The Trolley Song from Meet Me In St Louis, undoubtedly THE catchiest song ever, i sing it all the time (it annoys me friends to know end). I think it's just awesome, even if Homer and Bart do not.

The shows/movie aren't really in order of how good they are but these are just my favourite uses of the songs put into random spots, if i missed any good ones feel free to tell me in the comments. I Just though i'd point out that i am a terrible writer and if some parts don't make sense tell me.

"if we can just get someone to pay you for scratching your butt we'll be on easy street" Bart Simpson (Nancy Cartwright), The Simpsons.


  1. [Homer and Bart are on a spaceship listening to Rosie O'Donald sing]
    Bart Simpson: Don't worry, Dad. We'll be dead in five minutes.
    Homer Simpson: Not fast enough!
    [he presses the eject button, which sends them into space where their heads explode]

  2. Whoops my mistake i'll change it. Haven't seen the episode in ages.

  3. I loved the Glee use of Get Happy. Lea Michele and Chris Colfer do it justice as they both have amazing voices and are so entertaining!
