To begin what has become one of my favourite horror movies we have Casey (Drew Barrymore) answering the phone, now considering Barrymore's stardom back in 1996 (and she's still popular today) imagine the shock that came to audiences when she was murdered. Not unlike the shock audiences got when Janet Leigh met her untimely death 20 minutes into Psycho (1960).
As i was saying: from here the story unfolds and comes to focus on Sidney Prescott (Neve Campbell) and other characters connected to her. Oh and Courtney Cox is in there as reporter Gale Weathers (i like her better in this than i ever did on Friends) who is desperate to know everything, of course (as most people know) she ended up romancing Dewey (David Arquette) both on and off the screen.
i love this movie, i cannot put into words how much i love it. Not only is it well acted (something i know i didn't expect) but it also points out how dumb and funny horror movies are (and also slyly referencing Jamie Lee Curtis' abundant presence in a lot of them). Steve Ulrich as Billy (Sidney's boyfriend) is a good performance, he kind of reminded me of Johnny Depp in this movie, i think that was the intention.
I have yet to see 2, 3, 4 but i want to very much. You see, i wanted to see 4, but first i simply had to see the original. I hate when people see the remake or sequel without seeing the original film, it's a sort pet peeve of mine.
I don't watch a lot of horror movies, but i can tell you that when i do watch one they are usually of the teenage slasher variety, none of them have ever really lived up to my expectations, but this one managed to. That's pretty big then. Some parts of are even, well, not 'scary, but genuinely suspenseful.
I have been inspired. I am going to seek out more horrors. But only the good ones, not trashy horror (i can't stand those) i'm talking The Exorcist, Halloween and Misery (already read and loved the book). I love it when a film inspires me to do something, it hasn't happened in a while. I 'm just glad it hasn't inspired me to be a serial killer, but then....
"We all go a little mad sometimes" Norman Bates (Anthony Perkins) Psycho (1960)